Security Masterminds
The podcast that brings you the very best in all things, cybersecurity, taking an in-depth look at the most pressing issues and trends across the industry.
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Security Masterminds
Evolving the CISO Role: Technologist, Translator, Strategist, with Special Guest, Dr. Lee Mangold
If you're feeling overwhelmed and stressed out about keeping up with new cybersecurity technologies, then you are not alone! The constant flood of new technologies and emerging threats can make it feel like you're falling behind, leaving you feeling exhausted and frustrated. It's time to find a way to cut through the overwhelm and start making real progress in your cybersecurity efforts. Let's dive in and uncover some strategies to help you navigate the ever-changing landscape of cybersecurity with confidence!
My special guest is Dr. Lee Mangold
Dr. Lee Mangold has a wealth of experience in the cybersecurity field, with an impressive career spanning across various sectors including government, consulting, and founding cybersecurity alliances. His journey from starting a company as a teenager to leading the Florida Cyber Alliance and co-founding Security B-Sides Orlando showcases his deep understanding of the evolving cybersecurity landscape. With a pragmatic approach, Dr. Mangold emphasizes the importance of embracing new technologies, such as AI, while also recognizing the criticality of supply chain security. His insights on the role of CISOs and the necessity of implementing secure software practices provide invaluable guidance for cybersecurity professionals looking to navigate the complexities of the industry.
New technologies will always come out. There's going to be something new. As soon as you think you've got your hands around AI, the next thing is going to come out or AI is going to break something else. Right. Something new is always going to happen.
- Dr. Lee Mangold
In this episode, you will be able to:
- Discover the key strategies for starting a successful cybersecurity company.
- Gain valuable insights from real-world experiences in information security.
- Uncover the critical implications of AI on supply chain security and how to mitigate risks.
- Explore the evolving role of CISOs and the impact on cybersecurity practices.
- Learn effective methods for implementing secure software practices to bolster your cybersecurity defenses.
Connect with Dr. Lee Mangold
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/leemangold/
Connect with us
Website: securitymasterminds.buzzsprout.com
KnowBe4 Resources:
- KnowBe4 Blog: https://blog.knowbe4.com
- James McQuiggan - https://www.linkedin.com/in/jmcquiggan
- Erich Kron: https://www.linkedin.com/in/erichkron/
- Music Composed by: Brian Sanyshyn - https://www.briansanyshynmusic.com
- Announcer: Sarah McQuiggan - https://www.sarahmcquiggan.com
Show Notes created with Capsho - www.capsho.com
Sound Engineering - Matthew Bliss, MB Podcasts.
If you'd like to ask Matt what he can do for your podcast, visit https://www.mbpod.com and schedule a consultation today!